

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian traitor receives a visit

2022年12月31日(Sat.)12:15UP    :   2022年はプーチンのせいでとんでもない年になりました。ロシア国民はこの悪党一味を追放して下さい、今すぐに! 2023年は良い年になりますように! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  12月30日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian traitor receives a visit from the country’s secret services for his role in revealing Ukrainian troops positions to the Russian invader

Another Ukrainian traitor has received a visit from the country’s secret services for his role in revealing Ukrainian troops’ positions to the Russian invader.

The Mayor of Poltava, Oleksandr Mamai, has been charged with giving away sensitive information to the Russians.

It’s not the first time that Mr. Mamai has been embroiled in criminality. His pro-Russian views are well known. He was a member of Ukraine’s ex-President Viktor Yanukovych’s pro-Kremlin Party of Regions from 2012 to 2014.

He has also been involved in corruption scandals.

This traitor may now face harsh punishment for betraying his fellow countrymen.



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