

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Liz Truss becomes the shortest serving British Prime Minister

2022年10月21日(Fri.)15:00UP     :   無責任で聞こえの良い公約を語っていたと言うことでしょうか。日本でも、聞こえの良いことを公約する立候補者は居ます。さらには、明らかなウソで国民を騙す輩もいます。そうしたヤツは長続きしないし、時には天罰を喰らうことになるのかも知れません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  10月20日発 )


Liz Truss becomes the shortest serving British Prime Minister, setting the record at 44 days

Image source: Sky

Liz Truss has become the shortest-serving British Prime Minister ever, setting the record at a measly 44 days.

Ms. Truss lost her mandate and credibility following a disastrous mini-budget that she introduced in the early days of her tenure.

She has now stepped down, leading to a power grab by fellow Tories.




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