

アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): Summer Solstice(夏至)

2021年6月21日(Mon.)13:30UP   :   本日は夏至です。アイルランドがそれについて語っています。ご関心があれば一読下さい。(ニュースソース: RTE  6月17日発 )


Summer Solstice: the longest day and shortest night of the year


The Summer Solstice in Newgrange, Co Meath. Photo: Kevin Austin

Opinion: the ancient Celtic festival acts as a timely reminder and celebration of who, where and what we really are

For northern hemisphere dwellers, Summer Solstice - the longest day and the shortest night of our year - is usually celebrated on June 21st. This year, the exact time of the cross-quarter moment between Bealtaine (early Summer) and Lughnasadh (early Autumn) is Monday June 21st at 4.32am (Irish time).

In Gaelic, Solstice is "Grianstad", literally 'sun-stop' and this is one of the two great peak moments of the light and dark interplay in our universe. Directly opposite Winter Solstice, this Saturday is the peak of the sun's highest climb into maximum light. However, it is the earth which is on an elliptical orbit around the sun which uniquely brings about this phenomenon.

For several days after June 20th, the hours and minutes of daylight will remain almost exactly the same and near June 25th, the light will imperceptibly begin to lessen as we move deeper into the second half of this season. In terms of light, Summer Solstice day is 9 hours, 30 minutes longer than on Winter Solstice in December.

(注: 以下、転載省略。 原文サイトは下記のリンクへ )


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