

アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): Irish people should take Vitamin D

2021年4月8日(Thu.)14:30UP :   以前にも複数回類似のニュースをUPしていますが、再び登場しています。(ニュースソース: RTE  4月7日発 )


Report says Irish people should take Vitamin D to combat Covid-19


The report says anyone attending Covid-19 test centres should be given Vitamin D

A group of politicians has said that Irish people should take daily Vitamin D supplements due to growing international evidence that it may help to prevent Covid-19 outbreaks.

The recommendation is contained in a new report, which also says anyone attending Covid-19 test centres should be given Vitamin D and that an "opt out" system for the supplement should be created in nursing homes and among health workers to encourage uptake.

The 28-page report, published this morning, was drawn-up by the cross-party Oireachtas Committee on Health in recent weeks as part of its ongoing review of the Covid-19 situation in Ireland.

It is based on the views of the Covit-D Consortium of doctors from Trinity College, St James's Hospital, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown, who met the committee on 23 February.

The Department of Health and the National Public Health Emergency Team have previously cautioned that there is insufficient evidence to prove that Vitamin D offers protection against Covid-19.

The report says while Vitamin D is in no way a cure for Covid-19, there is increasing international evidence from Finland, France and Spain that high levels of the vitamin in people can help reduce the impact of Covid-19 infections and other illnesses.

(超抜粋: ビタミンDそのものがCOVID19感染を治療することは全くありませんが、フィンランド、フランス、スペインからの証跡によると、ビタミンDが体内で高いレベルにあると、COVID19の感染やその他の病気に関する衝撃を和らげる効果があるとしています。)

(注: 以下、転載省略。 原文サイトは下記リンクへ )





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