

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian troops engaging in mutiny

2022年6月3日(Fri.)16:30UP    :   ロシアが民主国家に変貌することを強く望みます。今は、プーチンによる恐怖政治(密告・粛清)の独裁国家です。ロシアには憲法裁判所は無いのでしょうか・・・。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  6月2日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Video emerges of Russian troops engaging in mutiny after uncovering conscripts with mental health issues and chronic diseases sent to the frontlines indiscriminately

A video has emerged of Russian troops engaging in mutiny after uncovering conscripts with mental health issues and chronic diseases sent to the frontlines indiscriminately.

The soldiers seen in the video claim to belong to the Donetsk People’s Republic’s 113th rifle regiment.

In the video, the group’s commanding officer reads a statement explaining the circumstances surrounding the troops, and also says that the men have gone through hunger and freezing conditions without any care or attention from the Kremlin.

It is now widely accepted that the Russian army is wholly sub-standard, composed mostly of young, conscripted men who really have no business or desire to be there.



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