

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Vaccinating people

2021年5月14日(Fri.)14:30UP  :   地球上の様々な遠隔地に対してもワクチン接種の試みは行われているようです。原文サイトを参照することをお勧めします。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  5月13日発 )


COVID: Vaccinating people in the world's most remote places

Medical teams are making long, at times difficult journeys to vaccinate people all over the world against COVID-19. Their job takes them over mountains and across water, by boat or by plane — or by foot.


A difficult mountain climb

Medical staff who want to vaccinate the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of southeastern Turkey must be physically fit. Ensuring vaccinations in the mountain villages is particularly important, Dr. Zeynep Eralp told DW. "People often live close together, and an infection could spread quickly," she said. Also, people don't like going to hospitals, so "we have to go to them."

(注: トルコ)


Vaccination by candlelight

For a long time, right-wing populist President Jair Bolsonaro campaigned against COVID-19 vaccinations in Brazil. But in the meantime, the campaign has taken off. Indigenous people and quilombolas, descendants of African slaves, were among the first to be vaccinated. Raimunda Nonata, 70, lives in a community without power so she got her shot by candlelight.

(注: ブラジル)


Welcome house call

Japan may have huge, sprawling cities, but many people also live in small, isolated villages with only a few hundred inhabitants — like here, in Kitaaiki. Residents who can't make it to the next city are happy to welcome the doctor and a vaccine at home.

(注: 日本、長野県相木村、北相木)


Superspreader event?

India has been hardest hit by the pandemic in recent weeks. In mid-March, medical personnel made their way to the village of Bahakajari on the Brahmaputra River, where a group of women registered for their COVID-19 shot. None wore face masks or kept a safe distance.

(注: インド。この密接はダメです、屋外であっても。)





それにしても、日本国内や世界の現状を俯瞰する限り、今年の五輪開催は不可能です。サッサと日本政府や組織委として中止か再延期の結論を出すべきです。ウジウジ・グズグズしているのが一番悪い。日本政府の決断力は無いと世界が見ています。IOCにも決定権があるかも知れませんが、同様に日本にもあるに決まっています、意見を言う権利が。だって、開催国ですよ!  決定権はIOCにあるなどと日本政府が言うこと自体が間違っています。それで主権国家と言えるか?! USの従属国か? 日本は。

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