

デンマーク(Denmark 🇩🇰): Iconic workers’ day event cancelled

2021年4月23日(Fri.)15:15UP  :   デンマークでの情報の一つです。但し、まだまだCOVID19との戦いは終わってはいません。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE  4月22日発 )


Nay to May Day: Iconic workers’ day event cancelled for second year in a row


The good news for city dwellers is that at least the gathering ban on Christiania has been lifted after 100 days


Another year without May 1 celebrations (photo: screenshot)

April 22nd, 2021 12:10 pm| by Christian W

Yet another famous Copenhagen event has bitten the dust with news that May Day has been cancelled for the second straight year.

According to leading union organisation and event organiser FH, the workers’ day celebration on May 1 in Fælledparken will not take place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The edition this year was expected to be a banner year as it was 150 years ago that Denmark’s labour movement was established.

Instead, the day will be marked by a number of virtual events and banners put up around the big park in Østerbro.

Last year was the first time the event in Fælledparken hadn’t been held since 1940 and the occupation of Denmark by the Nazis.

(超抜粋)コペンハーゲンでのメイデー・イベントは2年連続で中止になりました。(注: 以下、原文を流し読みして下さい。)

Christiania open again

There was a bit of good news for Copenhagen residents, however.

The restrictions that closed Christiania to the public have finally been lifted after 100 days.

The measures were ushered in on January 7 in a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19.

But because it is now permitted to gather up to 50 people outdoors again, as of yesterday, the restrictions are no longer necessary. 




翻って日本、部分的な緊急事態宣言を政府は出すと決めたようですが、全国各地の数値変化を正視するならば、要請のあった“部分“だけでなく、網羅的エリアつまり全国に“hammer and dance“を実施すべきと考えます。それが一番犠牲を少なくする手段です。また、経済損失もミニマム化することになります。そして、ワクチン接種が行き渡れば平静を取り戻し、経済活動は一気に急上昇することでしょう。もちろん日本国内でのワクチン開発・生産体制構築を忘れてはなりません。国費を投入すべきです。GoToトラベルに1兆円も投入するのであれば、それをワクチン関連に投入すべきと断言します。集団免疫と安心を獲得すれば、人々は自主的に行動開始し、経済のサイクルは急速回転することでしょう。

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