

ドイツ(Germany🇩🇪): '100% efficacy' for young teens

2021年4月1日(Thu.)15:00UP :   若年層に対するワクチンの有効性が報じられています。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  3月31日発 )


COVID: BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine shows '100% efficacy' for young teens

New clinical trial data shows "topline results" for kids between 12 to 15-years-old, Pfizer and BioNTech said. Vaccinating children will be crucial for stopping the pandemic and helping schools look more normal.



Pfizer and BioNTech say trials show their vaccine is highly effective for teens

The BioNTech-Pfizer coronavirus vaccine is safe and highly effective forchildrenbetween the ages of 12 and 15, according to a new study published Wednesday.

In a joint statement, the German and US firms said that the vaccine had "demonstrated 100% efficacy and robust antibody responses" in Phase 3 trials carried out on 2,260 adolescent volunteers in the United States.

The study is comparatively small and unpublished. Eighteen cases were identified among the control group, versus none among those receiving the vaccine.

Israel's Health Minister Yuli Edelstein was among the first to respond to the data, calling it "terrific news" on Twitter.

"There is nothing more in order now than a speedy approval of more vaccine procurements, so we can be poised to vaccinate immediately on FDA approval," he wrote. 

The FDA is the US Food and Drug Administration, its regulatory body for medical products.

AstraZeneca, the company behind a British-developed jab, said last month that it would carry out trials on some 300 children aged 6 to 17.

The vaccine has been linked this year with a very rare form of blood clotting in the brain, prompting some European countries to halt its use in younger adults 

Moderna, the US company behind another Covid vaccine, says it will test its doses on 12- to 17-year-olds.

What did the latest Pfizer trial reveal?

Both vaccines and vaccination efforts have concentrated on older adult populations. The US and the EU have approved the vaccine's use for everyone aged 16 and above.  

The trial aims to help facilitate accelerated reopening of schools, at least upper classes, seeking to restore classrooms to normal after a year of disruption. 

Results were seen as "very encouraging given the trends we have seen in recent weeks regarding the B117 UK variant," said the chief executive and co-founder of the German company BioNTech, Ugur Sahin

(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)








本来は、監視に使うモニタリング指標軸があって、これは現状の4つのレベルでも良いとしましょう。そして、これとは別に対策実施軸を別表に設けるのです。例えば、新規感染者数がゼロから10ぐらいを出し始めた場合、これはピンポイントで隔離、および、感染可能性者の追跡措置と隔離要請。さらに20〜50人の新規感染者が出始めれば、エリアロックダウン的な措置と追跡や隔離措置の網羅的実施。さらに酷くなれば、広域に対するロックダウンの実施です。最後にレベル4段階のモニタリング指標に至ってしまった場合は、全国レベルのロックダウンとするのです。ここで言いたいことは、対策実施レベルは、数値の悪化を待つことなく早期段階で実施すべきで、いわゆる“ hammer and dance “を導入すべきなのです。


現状の様々な場面を俯瞰していると、この政権や行政(本省)は大丈夫なのか?と思わせることが実に多いのです。そして“まんぼう“を発出するにしても、こうした状況下に於いて五輪を実施する前提で聖火リレー等を続けるのでしょうか。私なら、少なくとも再延期は既に“決定“しています。 兎に角、遅いし間違いが多すぎる! (GoToトラベルも❌ です。)


