

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): FDA approves emergency use of Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine

2021年11月5日(Fri.)15:30UP   :   12歳未満の子供たちへのワクチン接種はこれからです(5〜11歳)。なので、会食や忘年会・新年宴会などはまだまだ避けるべきです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  11月4日発 )


Will your young child be getting it? FDA approves emergency use of Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine for kids as young as 5

Image source: Mayo Edu

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after unanimous advisory body approval, issued emergency clearance for the use of Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA vaccine against Covid-19 in children ages 5 to 11.

Many parents, even those who themselves are fully vaccinated, don’t feel like they want their child to receive the vaccine at this time.

“The authorization was based on the FDA’s thorough and transparent evaluation of the data that included input from independent advisory committee experts who overwhelmingly voted in favour of making the vaccine available to children in this age group,” the agency said.





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