

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Vaccine prevents 98.9% of COVID-19 deaths

2021年2月21日(Sun.)15:15UP :   イスラエルでのワクチン接種に関する効果がレポートされています。これを見る限りは、ファイザーのワクチンは接種が望ましいと言う判断になるのでしょう。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  2月20日発 )


Vaccine prevents 98.9% of COVID-19 deaths — Israel

Citing Health Ministry data, Israel has also said that the rate of COVID-19 infections dropped massively among people who received both shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.


また、当局によると、ワクチン接種した人に関しては感染者が大きく減少しています。(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)


Israel aims to vaccinate about 60% of the country's population by the end of the first quarter of 2021

Israel's Health Ministry on Saturday said that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 98.9% effective at preventing hospitalizations and death caused by COVID-19.

The rate of COVID-19 infections also declined 95.8% among people who received both shots of the vaccine, it said, adding that the vaccine was also 98% effective in preventing infections that prompted fever or breathing problems.

"The vaccine dramatically reduces serious illness and death and you can see this influence in our morbidity statistics," the Times of Israel online newspaper quoted Health Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy as saying.

In late December, Levy had said Israel's goal is to vaccinate about 60% of the country's population by the end of the first quarter of 2021.




More than a million receive second jab

The findings were based on data collected nationally through February 13 from Israelis who had received their second inoculation at least two weeks previously. 

Approximately 1.7 million people in the country of about nine million had received a second jab by January 30, making them eligible to be included, the ministry said on its website.

Earlier findings from individual health care providers also showed positive results, prompting the Israeli government to relax coronavirus-related restrictions, including restrictions on the economy after weeks of lockdown. Schools and many shops will be allowed to reopen from Sunday.

The Health Ministry has also launched "Green Pass" — an app tied to a person's medical history which fully vaccinated people can show to stay at hotels or attend cultural or sporting events.

"Thanks to Israel's strong health system that has allowed us to vaccinate an unprecedented wide percentage of the population, and our epidemiological tracking facilities, we are the first country in the world that can show the effect of the vaccine in the real clinical world," Levy said.

Around three million Israelis are currently not eligible to be vaccinated, including people under the age of 16 and those who have recovered from COVID-19, the Times of Israel reported.

Israel has been vaccinating largely with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

(超抜粋)イスラエルの170万人は2回目のワクチン接種を終えています、1月30日までに。(中略) さらに、“Green Pass“なる仕組みを開始しており、これによって個人の医療事情がリンクしていて、完全に接種が終わった人はホテルの宿泊時や、文化的やスポーツのイベントにも参加可能となっています(注: ワクチン・パスポートのようなシステム)。(中略) 凡そ3百万人に関しては、現在のところワクチン接種の的確性がありません。16歳未満やCOVID19感染から治った人などです。(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)




唐突ではありますが、日本の食料自給率はカロリーベースで40%ぐらいが続いていると思います。こうした方針も、基本的に誤りでしょう。デンマークのそれは300%でした(2012年頃)。また、ドイツはかつて70%ぐらいだったのが、近年は90%以上になっていると聞いています。最新の数値は把握していませんが、国の基本的な考えが違うのです。日本政府の方針を抜本的に見直すべきです。原発然り! 女性の議会や委員会等での意思決定機関での占有率をクオーター(割当)制度を導入して40〜45%ぐらいに高めるべきです、北欧並みに。こうすれば、真の先進国並みの政治体制が構築出来るのではないでしょうか。その意味でも海外を見よ! デス。




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