

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine

2021年4月27日(Tue.)15:00UP  :   J&Jのワクチンも血栓の事例があるとして調査されていましたが、条件付きで使用開始となるようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  4月26日発 )


Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine reportedly set to be used on people aged 50 and over


The Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine is reportedly set to be used on the over 50s.

According to RTE News, The National Immunisation Advisory Committee are set to recommend using the vaccine in the over 50s following a review.


It is understood that the recommendation comes after NIAC reviewed information provided by the European Medicines Agency who declared the vaccine safe and effective.

Although the vaccine will be primarily used in the over 50s, it is understood that the vaccine can be offered to younger people if no other vaccine is available.

(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。50歳以上への適用が勧められていますが、ワクチンが無い場合は、若い人たちへの接種も可能としています。)



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): UK will send ventilators to India

2021年4月26日(Mon.)15:00UP  :   UKもインドに対して支援をするようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  4月25日発 )


Covid-19: UK will send ventilators to India as the country’s health system crumbles under extremely virulent second coronavirus wave

The UK will send ventilators to India as the country’s health system crumbles under an extremely virulent second coronavirus wave.

India has set grim pandemic records over the last four days, with hundreds of thousands of new cases confirmed.


It is understood that mass cremation sites have been set up, following high levels of mortality across the nation.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。インドが医療崩壊状態しており、UKはベンチレーション・システムを送ることを予定しています。また、インドはここ数日、多くの感染者を出してしまっています。また、大量に火葬する設備も準備中のようです。)





日本は、未だ、国内感染と戦っている最中ですが、その対策等は煮え切らないウジウジとしたもののようにしか見えません。これでは悪い状況を長引かせるばかりでしょう。やり方が中途半端なのです。hammer and dance の意味を理解していないようです、政府や政権与党の政治家たちは・・・。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): First case of ‘double mutant’ coronavirus strain

2021年4月25日(Sun.)15:30UP  :   二重変異株がスイスにも現れたようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  4月24日発 )


Covid-19 alert: First case of ‘double mutant’ coronavirus strain confirmed in Switzerland


The first case of the ‘double mutant’ coronavirus strain has been confirmed in Switzerland.


Local health authorities said that the strain was detected in a passenger who had ‘transited’ through an airport.

The B.1.617 strain is causing a massive spike in Covid-19 cases across India, leading to the near-collapse of its health system.

The story is developing…

(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)




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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): 'short' state of emergency in Tokyo

2021年4月24日(Sat.)15:00UP  :   アイルランドが日本でのことを報じています。(ニュースソース: RTE   4月23日発 )


Japan declares 'short' state of emergency in Tokyo


Questions are again being raised about the summer Olympic games in Tokyo

A 'short and powerful' state of emergency has been declared for Tokyo due to the on-going Covid-19 crisis, three months before the Olympic games are due to be held there.

The government has ordered restaurants, bars and karaoke parlours serving alcohol to close, and big sporting events to be held without spectators from 25 April to 11 May.

"We absolutely have to limit the movement of people, and we have to do it decisively. We need powerful, short and focused measures," Economy Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said, asking people to remember the lockdowns of last spring and stay at home.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Japan would take measures to ensure it could safely hold the Olympics this summer.

The pandemic has sharpened focus on whether the Games can or should go ahead.

Earlier today Australia's diving team said it was "not safe" to travel to Japan as they withdrew from a test event due to start in May, while yesterday saw the first case of Covid-19 from the nationwide Olympic torch relay.

"It is feared that contagion in major cities will spread across the whole country if we take no measures," Suga said.

The state of emergency - a third round for Japan that also includes Kyoto and Hyogo - will cover nearly a quarter of the population and last through the looming "Golden Week" holidays, dealing another blow to the tourism and services industries.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said the government would ask for illuminations and neon signs to be turned off.

"It will be dark at night," she told a news conference, and asked non-residents to refrain from entering Tokyo if possible.

Japan has avoided an explosive spread of the pandemic experienced by many countries. There have been about 550,000 cases and 9,761 deaths, significantly lower numbers than in other large economies.

However the latest rise in infections has stoked alarm, with a surge in a mutant variant and a critical shortage of medical staff and hospital beds in some areas. Japan's vaccination drive remains sluggish.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)





実に、この国の政治は・政権与党は、信頼出来ないことを露呈してしまっていると、情けなく感じています。野党はもっと情報や意見を発信せよ‼️ 何も聞こえてこないゾ‼️

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デンマーク(Denmark 🇩🇰): Iconic workers’ day event cancelled

2021年4月23日(Fri.)15:15UP  :   デンマークでの情報の一つです。但し、まだまだCOVID19との戦いは終わってはいません。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE  4月22日発 )


Nay to May Day: Iconic workers’ day event cancelled for second year in a row


The good news for city dwellers is that at least the gathering ban on Christiania has been lifted after 100 days


Another year without May 1 celebrations (photo: screenshot)

April 22nd, 2021 12:10 pm| by Christian W

Yet another famous Copenhagen event has bitten the dust with news that May Day has been cancelled for the second straight year.

According to leading union organisation and event organiser FH, the workers’ day celebration on May 1 in Fælledparken will not take place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The edition this year was expected to be a banner year as it was 150 years ago that Denmark’s labour movement was established.

Instead, the day will be marked by a number of virtual events and banners put up around the big park in Østerbro.

Last year was the first time the event in Fælledparken hadn’t been held since 1940 and the occupation of Denmark by the Nazis.

(超抜粋)コペンハーゲンでのメイデー・イベントは2年連続で中止になりました。(注: 以下、原文を流し読みして下さい。)

Christiania open again

There was a bit of good news for Copenhagen residents, however.

The restrictions that closed Christiania to the public have finally been lifted after 100 days.

The measures were ushered in on January 7 in a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19.

But because it is now permitted to gather up to 50 people outdoors again, as of yesterday, the restrictions are no longer necessary. 




翻って日本、部分的な緊急事態宣言を政府は出すと決めたようですが、全国各地の数値変化を正視するならば、要請のあった“部分“だけでなく、網羅的エリアつまり全国に“hammer and dance“を実施すべきと考えます。それが一番犠牲を少なくする手段です。また、経済損失もミニマム化することになります。そして、ワクチン接種が行き渡れば平静を取り戻し、経済活動は一気に急上昇することでしょう。もちろん日本国内でのワクチン開発・生産体制構築を忘れてはなりません。国費を投入すべきです。GoToトラベルに1兆円も投入するのであれば、それをワクチン関連に投入すべきと断言します。集団免疫と安心を獲得すれば、人々は自主的に行動開始し、経済のサイクルは急速回転することでしょう。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): on the verge of declaring state of emergency in Tokyo

2021年4月22日(Thu.)16:30UP :   東京では緊急事態宣言発出の崖っ淵に来ているとアイルランドが報じています。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  4月21日発 )


Covid-19 alert: Japan reportedly on the verge of declaring state of emergency in Tokyo as coronavirus cases spike, situation quickly deteriorating

Japan is reportedly on the verge of declaring a state of emergency in Tokyo as coronavirus cases spike, with the situation on the ground quickly deteriorating.

It is understood that the country is reporting ‘thousands’ of new cases as mutant strains spread.


Official figures say that there have been 9,707 Covid-19-related deaths in Japan so far.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。 東京の危機を報じています。)






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アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): Ireland will have enough vaccines to

2021年4月21日(Wed.)19:00UP :   アイルランドへのワクチン供給はメドが立ったようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie. 4月21日発 )


EU Commissioner says Ireland will have enough vaccines to fully protect 70% of the population by July

A European Commissioner has said Ireland will have enough vaccines to fully protect 70% of the population by July.

Speaking to an Oireachtas Committee on European Affairs, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said Ireland is on course to receive 6 million doses by July.


Breton also told the committee that European Union is on track to be one the leading manufacturers of Covid-19 vaccines with the capacity to provide 3 billion doses by the end of the year.

However Breton did warn that Ireland and other countries would only achieve this target if they can quickly produce and implement mass vaccination centres.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)








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