

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): British defence company BAE Systems

2023年5月31日(Wed.)11:00UP       :  ロシアの民主勢力よ、早く立ち上がれ! どこか1ヶ所で始め、他の地域でもそれに続くパターンになると思われます。その為にも、ロシアの国営放送は、真実・事実を報じる役割を果たせ! プロパガンダに終始するな! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   5月30日発 )


British defence company BAE Systems confirms the opening of a new facility in Ukraine

In what’s being hailed as a major development, British defence company BAE Systems has confirmed the opening of a new facility in Ukraine.

According to reports, different weapon systems will be produced and repaired there.

BAE has had a bumper year in terms of revenue following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.



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