

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Nordic countries announce the creation of a new air defence alliance

2023年3月25日(Sat.)11:45UP     :    兎に角、プーチン政権は気が狂っている。これを正すのはロシア国民自身でなければならない! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  3月24日発 )


Russian President raging harder as Nordic countries announce the creation of a new air defence alliance to shoot down any incoming Russian aircraft

Russian President Vladimir Putin is raging even harder today, as Nordic countries have announced the creation of a new air defence alliance to shoot down any incoming Russian aircraft.


Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark have reportedly signed a pact to create a unified air alliance to counter any Russian threat. These nations field state-of-the-art jet fighters capable of destroying the aging Russian fleet.

This comes on top of Finland and Sweden soon joining NATO, a move that Mr. Putin was trying his best to avoid. Instead, the outcome of his actions has been the complete opposite of what he wanted and so he deserves nothing but scorn, derision, and utter annihilation over his ill-advised intrusion in Ukraine.


ロシア国民よ、これ以上プーチンに騙され続けるな! プーチンの狙いは自分の権益を守りたいだけのエゴなのだ。

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