

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): shoot down entire wave of incoming Russian drones

2022年12月15日(Thu.)16:00UP     :   プーチンに組みする悪党は、かなりいるんですね、ロシア国内に。どちらかと言うとマフィアみたいな存在なのでしょう。こうした悪の巣窟を一掃する勢力はいないのでしょうか、ロシアには。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   12月14日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine’s air defence systems shoot down entire wave of incoming Russian drones -no fewer than 13 drones intercepted and destroyed

Ukraine’s air defence systems reportedly shot down an entire wave of incoming Russian drones, with no fewer than 13 drones intercepted and destroyed.

West-supplied weapon platforms have helped create a very efficient air defence canopy over Ukraine, meaning that most, or all incoming Russian assets are intercepted before they can cause damage. This means that Russia’s missiles and drones are now almost completely ineffective.

The US will soon deploy Patriot platforms to boost air defence capabilities even further.



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