

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian troops reportedly forced to climb over stacks of corpses

2023年1月13日(Fri.)13:00UP    :   プーチンは良からぬ策を考えているようです。いずれにしても、彼の暴走を止めるのはロシア国民自身でなければなりません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   1月12日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian troops reportedly forced to climb over stacks of corpses as they launch multiple futile attacks against entrenched Ukraine positions

Russian troops are reportedly climbing over stacks of corpses as they launch multiple futile attacks against entrenched Ukraine positions.

Fresh waves of soldiers are said to be forced to climb over the previous wave’s bodies seconds before they themselves are cut down by murderous machine gun fire and artillery. Then the process repeats itself.

According to local reports, the battlefields around the Eastern Front resemble those of the First World War, with hundreds of young soldiers lying dead in no man’s land.


ロシアの若者は、プーチン一派の為に大切な命を失っているようです。これを許し続けて良いのですか? ロシア国民よ。

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