

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Train convoy carrying fuel for Russia-occupied territories

2022年10月28日(Fri.)14:00UP     :   ロシア国民はプーチンの言葉に騙されているのでしょうか? それとも恐怖政治によって沈黙せざるを得ないのでしょうか・・・。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  10月27日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Train convoy carrying fuel for Russia-occupied territories goes up in flames, reports that drunken Russians are to blame for the catastrophe

A train convoy carrying fuel for Russia-occupied territories has reportedly gone up in flames, with drunken Russians seemingly to blame for the catastrophe.

The incident happened while the train was stationary at a railway station in the Shakhtarsk area.

A total of 12 tanks went up in flames, causing a biblical fireball in the local area.

The loss of the fuel represents a truly devastating loss for Russian units on the frontlines



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