

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine’s military adds 58th Russian colonel

2022年7月8日(Fri.)14:15UP    :   今日の日本は、正午前の事件で混乱しています。あの安倍元総理が奈良県で銃撃されて心肺停止状態になっていると言うことです。犯人は拘束されており、41歳の奈良県在住の男と言うことです。現状では動機や背後関係はわかっていないようです。 (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月7日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Ukraine’s military adds 58th Russian colonel to its scoreboard

Ukraine’s military has added its 58th Russian colonel to the rolling scoreboard.

The latest high-ranking officer permanently removed is Colonel Yegor Meleshenko, a tank commander. His demise has been officially confirmed by Russian sources.

Russia’s army has suffered unspeakable losses in terms of men and materiel, but such bloody sacrifice appears to be of little concern to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who will blithely send thousands of conscripts to their deaths on the frontlines for the sake of gaining a few yards of scorched land.



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