

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): no conscripts are being sent to the meat grinder of Ukraine’s front lines

2022年7月6日(Wed.)13:45UP     :   ロシアのマスコミは偽情報を流しているようです。もう政権自体がウソの塊です、プーチンやラブロフを筆頭に。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月5日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Russia claims that no conscripts are being sent to the meat grinder of Ukraine’s front lines, which means that conscripts are probably being sent in their thousands

Russia is today claiming that no conscripts are being sent to the meat grinder of Ukraine’s frontlines.

Normally, the reality is the complete opposite of what Russian sources claim, which means that conscripts are probably being sent in their thousands.

Conscripted soldiers tend not to survive their very first encounter with the vastly superior and far more motivated Ukrainian troops.



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