

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Anti-war stance in Russia leads to denunciations and arrests

2022年6月15日(Wed.)12:00UP    :   ロシアは、プーチンは狂っている。これらはプーチンが恐怖政治(密告制度)を導入しているからであり、スターリン独裁時代と同じだ。しかし、ロシア人民はこれに勝たなければならない! (ニュースソース: DWーDE  6月14日発 )


Anti-war stance in Russia leads to denunciations and arrests

In Russia, critics of the war in Ukraine are increasingly being reported to the police. DW spoke with Russians who have been betrayed by their own relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors.

Anti-war protesters in Saint Petersburg faced a brutal police crackdown during demonstrations in March

In the wake of Russia's February 24 invasion of neighboring Ukraine, some citizens have taken a stance against what they call an unjust war of aggression. As a result, they have suffered the consequences in a society where state propaganda is ubiquitous, the use of the term "war" is forbidden, and those who dare to speak out against the Kremlin's "special operation" face long jail terms. DW spoke to three individuals about their personal run-ins with authorities after being denounced by family, neighbors and colleagues.  

'At the moment, a lot of people are going crazy'

Kirill, 32, senior IT systems analyst from Moscow

When the "special operation" started, I was horrified and I wrote various social media posts against the war in Ukraine. One of my relatives, who is a big fan of Vladimir Putin, was quick to respond. He even has a portrait of Putin in his house — just like in schools and state institutions in Russia. He spammed me with all kinds of propaganda videos on WhatsApp. It was simply unbearable. At first I ignored it, then I contradicted him, and finally I just archived everything.

One day, the police knocked on my door. They said that there was a complaint against me and that I should come with them. At the police station, I was shown screenshots of my Instagram account and of my correspondence with this relative. Then the police officers asked, "Is this your relative?" I said, "Yes."

I learned that it was not the first time relatives had complained about people who were anti-war. The policemen admitted that they themselves were afraid of being sent to Ukraine. In the end, they let me go. But I've now changed the settings on my social media accounts so that my posts are only accessible to friends. The incident has unsettled me ever since.

(注: 以下、転載省略。 原文サイトは下記のリンクへ )



ロシアのメディアよ! ジャーナリストよ! 真実を伝えよ! プーチンの言葉に騙されるな! スターリン独裁を模倣している! プーチンの目的は自己の権益を維持するところにある。超利己主義者である。個人資産が20兆円が全てを物語っている!

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