

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Happy Valentine’s Day?

2022年2月15日(Tue.)14:30UP    :   ソレって訊くことでしょうか? もう二人は運命共同体ですよ。どちらも感染しないように気をつけるしかありません。(ニュースソース:  The Liberal.ie  2月14日発 )


Happy Valentine’s Day? Couple in Thailand urged to take antigen test before dates and wear face-masks during sex


Health authorities in Thailand have put a dampener on Valentine’s Day this year, by asking people to wear face masks during sex and take an antigen test before date night.

According to the Daily Mail, the unromantic gestures come as there are concerns that Valentine’s Day could lead to an increase in Covid tests, with the Bureau of Reproductive Health director Bunyarit Sukrat advising couples that they should “avoid face-to-face sex positions and deep kissing.”

Many couples in Thailand choose to get married on Valentine’s Day and it is not yet known whether the idea of wearing face masks during sex will impact on the day’s popularity.




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