

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Polar vortex brings a freezing chill

2021年2月9日(Tue.)13:45 UP    まだ試用中です。(ニュースソース: RTE  2月8日発 )


Polar vortex brings a freezing chill to Canada


The boiling water instantly froze when thrown into the air (Pic: LauraLee Gardiner)

A polar vortex brought record-breaking cold temperatures to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada, with the bitter cold set to stay in the Prairies through much of this week, according to CBC.

Saskatchewan's Uranium City recorded the lowest temperatures yesterday with –48.9C, smashing the previous record of -40C set in 2019.

Extreme cold weather warnings have been issued for parts of Alberta and Manitoba and all of Saskatchewan.

This footage from Buffalo Narrows, in Saskatchewan, captures the spectacular science experiment that has turned into a social media craze in very cold regions. 

It shows boiling water being thrown into freezing air in slow-motion and instantly freezing.

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Polar vortex brings a freezing chill to Canada





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