

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): HIMARS strike wipes out group of Russian soldiers

2023年8月18日(Fri.)13:00UP       :    ロシア国民は恐怖政治に押し潰されそうでしょう。ならば、一斉蜂起するしかありません。 プーチンによるデッチ上げ教科書が制作されたようですが、中身はプロパガンダの固まりだと報じられています。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    8月17日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: HIMARS strike wipes out group of Russian soldiers practicing their shooting skills at a makeshift firing range

When will Russian troops learn that standing within range of a Ukrainian-operated HIMARS battery is likely to end up in a mighty boom and a fiery demise.


The latest such episode happened in Prymorske, a village in the Kherson area, in recent days. According to battle reports, a group of Russian soldiers were out practicing their shooting skills at a makeshift firing range when death suddenly rained from above.

It is understood that resistance fighters in the area passed on the coordinates to Ukrainian gunners, who quickly went to work on this target of opportunity.

The entire group was eliminated, and the HIMARS operators simply slipped away unnoticed after completing their work.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Elite Ukrainian airborne unit enters the battlefield

2023年8月17日(Thu.)15:30UP      :    具体的な戦果も必要ですが、ロシア国民への蜂起を呼びかける宣伝活動は十分なのでしょうか? (ニュースソース:  The Liberal.ie    8月16日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Elite Ukrainian airborne unit enters the battlefield -immediately makes substantial gains

An elite Ukrainian airborne unit has entered the battlefield, immediately making substantial gains.

The 82nd Air Assault Brigade is now operating around the village of Robotyne, in western Zaporizhzhia.


The 82nd is equipped with Western-supplied weaponry far superior to any of that of its foes. Notably, this formation fields Challenger 2 main battle tanks, capable of knocking out Russian armor at long range.

The deployment of this elite unit at this time marks a significant development for the ongoing counter-offensive, as it likely means that Ukrainian military planners believe a push southwards backed by powerful hardware can punch a deep hole in Russian defences in the sector.


プーチンを追い出す計画もあるようです・・・。 それもそうですが、悪党一味を根こそぎ一掃する作戦を実施すべきです。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Norway announces it will provide Ukraine

2023年8月16日(Wed.)18:00UP       :   良識あるロシア人は一斉蜂起せよ! 日和見主義を続けるロシア人は改心せよ! (ニュースソース; The Liberal.ie   8月15日発 )


Norway announces it will provide Ukraine with state-of-the-art anti-drone systems

Norway has announced that it will provide Ukraine with state-of-the-art anti-drone systems.

Ukraine will receive CORTEX Typhon Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems (C-UAS), a platform designed to counter drone threats through physical and electronic means.


The system includes three main components: a surveillance and target acquisition radar, a 30mm, low-recoil cannon, and the CORTEX integrated combat solution.

For deployment on the Ukrainian battlefields, the kit will be mounted on a wheeled, mine-resistant Dingo chassis. This mobility will enable the vehicle to protect advancing troops from incoming aerial threats.

CORTEX platforms will significantly boost Ukraine’s air defence capabilities against Russian aerial assets.



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アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): Price of some pints increases by 4c today

2023年8月15日(Tue.)18:00UP       :   価格上昇の原因は一つではありませんが、為替相場の影響もありますが、根本原因はプーチンでしょう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie     8月14日発 )


Price of some pints increases by 4c today, following increase of 12c in recent times

The price of some pints is increasing by 4c today, following an increase of 12c in recent times.

The drinks going up in price are Guinness, Smithwick’s, Rockshore, Harp, Hop House 13, and Carlsberg.

Some areas in Dublin are now selling a single pint for an eye-watering €9.45.


妥当な物価上昇と言えるのでしょうか? 日本でも同様に多くの商品等の物価が軒並み上昇しています。プーチンの狂気に影響を受けていることは明白ですが、平和国家・戦争放棄憲法に謳っている日本は、その政治姿勢に反映させているのでしょうか? 自民党・岸田政権はそれに逆行しています。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine to receive Archer field artillery systems

2023年8月14日(Mon.)13:30UP       :    ロシア人は、自分達が何をやっているのかを知れ! NATOの脅威などはプーチンのデッチ上げで、プーチンが侵略を開始したことで作り出しているではないか! そもそもウクライナはロシアにとって親戚のようなものではないか。あのフルシチョフウクライナ出身だろう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  8厚13日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine to receive Archer field artillery systems over the coming days

Archer field artillery systems will make their battlefield debut in Ukraine over the coming days.


The Sweden-made FH77BW L52 Archer weapons platform is a specialized self-propelled howitzer specifically designed to hit remote targets with pinpoint accuracy. Some military analysts actually refer to these systems as the ‘sniper’ of the artillery world.

One of Archer’s main tasks is counter-battery operations and the elimination of artillery crews. Archers are highly mobile systems, meaning that operators can fire and destroy targets and quickly move to a different area before the enemy can respond.

Archers have a fully automatic, 21-shell magazine, and once the operating crew inputs the target’s coordinates, the Archer’s software does the rest. The platform can deliver its full complement of ammo in just under 90 seconds.


ロシア人よ、ロシア人はプーチンのせいで膨大な負債・借金・戦象賠償金を背負い込んでいるぞ! この支払いは末代までも続くことだろう。 今すぐ、プーチンの暴走を止めよ! ロシア国民が一斉に蜂起することだ!

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): ‘Fighters of evil’ stamp

2023年8月13日(Sun.)13:15UP        :   久しぶりに情報をUPします。 それにしても、プーチン・ロシアは卑劣な攻撃をするものです。さらに、クリミアの橋を攻撃されたと言って報復をほのめかしているようですが、そもそもはロシアがウクライナにデッチ上げ口実で不当に攻めていることを棚に上げていることに彼らは疑問にすら感じないのでしょうか。正にプーチン・ロシアはデッチ上げで染まった国家と言えるでしょう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    8月12日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine issues celebratory ‘Fighters of evil’ stamp set featuring a squadron of F-16 jets grating the Kremlin to smithereens

Ukraine has issued a celebratory ‘Fighters of Evil’ stamp set featuring a squadron of F-16 jets grating the Kremlin to smithereens.

The stamps’ design, created by Ukrainian illustrator Maksym Palenko, shows an oversized cheese grater with the indents shaped in the highly recognizable and ominous silhouette of the powerful aircraft. A hand is seen grating one of the Kremlin’s tower, which ends up as minuscule bits at the bottom of the stamp.


Local reports suggest that hundreds of people queued at Kyiv’s main post office on Friday, the Day of the Air Force, to get their set.

The first print run of 600,000 stamps, which includes four unique stamps, reportedly sold out in minutes. All the proceedings will go to purchase drones for frontline personnel. This much sought-after collector’s item highlights the power of the US-made F-16 Fighting Falcon jets, which Ukraine urgently needs to achieve air superiority over the battlefield. US President Joe Biden has authorized Ukrainian pilots to be trained to fly the F-16 aircraft.

The Fighters of Evil set accurately reflects the mood of the Ukrainian people and that of most of the world when it comes to the Kremlin’s ultimate fate.


ロシア国民よ、真実を知れ! プーチンの流す情報は全てデッチ上げだ。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland); New Spainish holiday rules

2023年7月30日(Sun.)13:30UP         :    スペインでのルールです。一読あれ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    7月29日発 )


New Spainish holiday rules for Irish tourists sees drink limits to bikini ban and shampoo fine

Spain is one of the most popular holiday destinations for Irish tourists, with thousands expected to arrive in the coming months, reports The Mirror.

Ahead of the busy summer season, the Irish Foreign Office has updated its travel advice.

For Irish tourists planning a trip to Spain, it is crucial to know the latest regulations that can make a big difference to their experience.

There have been significant changes in Ireland’s favorite holiday destination in recent years due to the impact of the Covid pandemic, the impact of Brexit and changes in regional regulations.

Tired of the excessive noise and unruly behavior of some tourists, local communities have successfully lobbied for tougher measures to stop such activity. As a result, several new rules have been introduced to maintain order and maintain community standards.

Tourists who ignore certain rules, such as wearing bikinis, drinking alcohol and misbehaving on balconies, can be fined heavily, reports The Mirror.

Preparing for a trip to Spain now requires special attention to ensure compliance with these evolving guidelines

Here are some noteworthy new rules that should be on every traveler’s radar before embarking on a Spanish trip.


Ekinis and swim shorts can be worn in the pool or on the beach, but some parts of Spain have banned them from being worn when walking the streets.

For security reasons, some public authorities in Spain do not allow burkas and niqabs to be worn in their buildings.


Police and ID:

According to Spanish law, you must always carry a state-issued photo ID with you. This right applies equally to both residents and non-residents. Failure to produce satisfactory ID when requested by the Spanish police forces (Civil Guard, National/Regional/Local Police) may result in detention at the police station until identity is confirmed.


Drinking alcohol in public places, except in licensed bars and restaurants, is generally prohibited and may result in a fine

Illegal drugs:

The DFA warned: “There have been fatalities involving Irish citizens who have consumed illegal drugs in Spain. The Spanish authorities take the possession of illegal drugs in any quantity extremely seriously and such activity may result in imprisonment. The authorities in Mallorca and Ibiza are particularly active in anti-drug law enforcement, and are likely to prosecute in cases of use or possession of drugs,” reports The Mirror.


Last year saw an important change on Barcelona’s beaches as smoking was officially banned, which could lead to fines for violators. Initially introduced as a pilot scheme on four beaches, the smoking ban has now been extended to 10 scenic stretches along Barcelona’s coastline.


Spanish authorities can impose fines for risky behavior on balconies, including climbing or jumping off balconies.

Soap and shampoo:

Tourists can be fined €750 for using soap or shampoo in some shared beach showers. Because the chemicals in these products can be harmful to marine life.

Noise Pollution:

Spain’s Alicante hotspot has delivered the toughest crackdown on noise pollution.

Tourists now face hefty fines for violating anti-nuisance laws, ranging from €600 to a staggering €30,000.



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