

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine to receive Archer field artillery systems

2023年8月14日(Mon.)13:30UP       :    ロシア人は、自分達が何をやっているのかを知れ! NATOの脅威などはプーチンのデッチ上げで、プーチンが侵略を開始したことで作り出しているではないか! そもそもウクライナはロシアにとって親戚のようなものではないか。あのフルシチョフウクライナ出身だろう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  8厚13日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine to receive Archer field artillery systems over the coming days

Archer field artillery systems will make their battlefield debut in Ukraine over the coming days.


The Sweden-made FH77BW L52 Archer weapons platform is a specialized self-propelled howitzer specifically designed to hit remote targets with pinpoint accuracy. Some military analysts actually refer to these systems as the ‘sniper’ of the artillery world.

One of Archer’s main tasks is counter-battery operations and the elimination of artillery crews. Archers are highly mobile systems, meaning that operators can fire and destroy targets and quickly move to a different area before the enemy can respond.

Archers have a fully automatic, 21-shell magazine, and once the operating crew inputs the target’s coordinates, the Archer’s software does the rest. The platform can deliver its full complement of ammo in just under 90 seconds.


ロシア人よ、ロシア人はプーチンのせいで膨大な負債・借金・戦象賠償金を背負い込んでいるぞ! この支払いは末代までも続くことだろう。 今すぐ、プーチンの暴走を止めよ! ロシア国民が一斉に蜂起することだ!

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