

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): State-of-the-art M1 Abrams tanks

2023年7月29日(Sat.)12:00UP       :   ロシア国民よ、勇気を持て! 一斉蜂起せよ! 悪徳政権を打倒せよ、自らの手で! 今すぐに・・・だ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月28日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: State-of-the-art M1 Abrams tanks to make their battlefield debut in Ukraine shortly -these armored beasts outclass any hardware that Russians can muster

State-of-the-art M1 Abrams tanks will shortly make their battlefield debut in Ukraine, as the United States has confirmed that it will deliver the first batch in September.


These armored beasts outclass any hardware that Russians can muster, so Russian tank crews would do well to flee now while they have a chance. An Abrams’ depleted uranium shell can punch a hole in Russian armor up to 4km away. If it enters the crew’s cabin, the projectile creates a deadly firestorm of white-hot gases and sparks, immediately carbonizing any human being inside.

In total, Ukraine will receive 31 Abrams. Ukrainian crews are currently training in Germany.

Any tanks damaged in combat can be quickly repaired at a purpose-built facility in Poznan in Poland.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian operators liberate village in Donetsk

2023年7月28日(Fri.)10:30UP        :   ロシアを援助するのを止めよ! ロシア国民は一斉蜂起せよ! ロシアは膨大な負債を背負い込んでいるゾ、既に! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    7月27日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian operators liberate village in Donetsk during the opening stages of a major operational push in the region

Ukrainian operators have reportedly liberated a village in Donetsk during the opening stages of a major operational push in the region.


The 35th brigade and the ‘Ariy’ territorial defence unit recaptured Staromaiorske after inflicting major losses to the enemy. Staromaiorske is significant as it’s one of a string of settlements that Ukraine has liberated during the ongoing counter-offensive.

Earlier today, we reported that Ukrainian mechanized units had broken through the first line of Russian defences in southeastern sectors.

Ukraine has for weeks been conducting probing raids to gauge the depth and cohesion of Russian defences. Today’s operational successes likely follow the discovery of one or more weak points in the Russian lines.


ガソリンや食品等の物価高もプーチンのせいである。プーチン・ロシアを一掃するのはロシア国民である。目覚めよ! 勇気を出せ! 日和見主義から脱却せよ! 今すぐに・・・だ!

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian operators pull off tactical masterstroke

2023年7月27日(Thu.)12:00UP       :   ロシアの卑劣なミサイル攻撃等も続いています。早くロシア国民よ立ち上がれ! 日和見主義と決別せよ! ロシアは今や史上最悪のテロ国家に成り下がっているゾ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月26日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian operators pull off tactical masterstroke by luring elite Russian troops into the open and then executing textbook ambush -about a dozen Russian paratroopers eliminated

Ukrainian operators have pulled off a tactical masterstroke by luring elite Russian troops into the open and then executing a textbook ambush. The massacre resulted in about a dozen Russian paratroopers being eliminated.


The operation unfolded in the Klishchiivka sector in eastern Ukraine, near Bakhmut. The ruse began by first flushing Russian units out of their defensive positions. Then, Ukrainian operators feigned retreat, prompting the Russians to engage in pursuit, believing they had the upper hand.

Unbeknownst to the unfortunate Russian troops, however, Ukrainian gunners attached to the 80th Air Assault Brigade had the area zeroed in. Once pursuing Russians entered a pre-determined kill zone, Ukrainian guns and mortars opened up. The Russians drove headlong into a wall of murderous and well-aimed fire.

Ukrainian troops also managed to advance in the nearby town of Andriivka, south of Klishchiivka.

ウクライナの西部地域に向けてロシアから超音速ミサイルが発射されているようです。ロシアの蛮行を止めよ! 止めるのはロシア国民自身だ! 戦争賠償額は未来永劫に続くぞ! ロシア国民の肩に!

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): US announces new military aid package for Ukraine

2023年7月26日(Wed.)12:00UP      :   援助も必要ですが、ロシア国内の民主勢力への援助も忘れないで欲しい。早くロシア国民による一斉蜂起の報を聞きたいものだ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月25日発 )


US announces new military aid package for Ukraine

The United States continues to lead the world in providing military assistance for Ukraine after unveiling a $400m package.


The latest round of aid includes air defense munitions, artillery rounds, armored vehicles, anti-armor weapons, and other equipment.

The United States’ positive attitude towards destroying the invader contrasts starkly with Ireland’s own, as Ireland has not provided a solitary bullet to eliminate the enemy. Ireland’s ‘help’ has so far been limited to offering scarce accommodation to tens of thousands of people, with many ending up in the streets thanks to the Government’s sheer incompetence.


それにしても、ロシアの軍人は無思考で上官に盲従するだけなのでしょうか? 決してそんなことはなく、ただ、正しい情報が伝えられていないだけだと思いたい。 そうでなければ、単に悪に加担している最低の下衆だ! 家族も悲しむばかりだ。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): to keep the country’s skies secure

2023年7月24日(Mon.)14:30UP       :   本当にプーチン・ロシアは極悪集団です。黒れは“国家“と呼べません。単なる悪党の集まりです、巣窟です。これを正すのはロシア国民でなければなりません。いつまで極悪人の言うなりになっているのか?! どこかの貧相な中小企業の内部体制と同じようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月23日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Rheinmetall to supply Ukraine with 40,000 additional rounds for Gepard anti-aircraft platforms to keep the country’s skies secure

German company Rheinmetall is to supply Ukraine with 40,000 additional rounds for Gepard anti-aircraft platforms to keep the country’s skies secure.

Gepard platforms are self-propelled weapon systems equipped with twin 35mm Oerlikon cannons capable of delivering 550 rounds per minute to incoming aerial targets.

Overall, Rheinmetall has committed to producing 300,000 rounds for Ukraine’s Gepard weapon systems.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Precision drone strike obliterates Russian ammo dump

2023年7月23日(Sun.)16:30UP      :    ロシアには正しく判断出来る人はいないのか? 皆、日和見主義者なのか?! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月22日発 )


Ùkraine counter-offensive: Precision drone strike obliterates Russian ammo dump in temporarily occupied Crimea

A precision drone strike has obliterated a Russian ammo dump in temporarily occupied Crimea.


The facility was sited in the town of Oktyabrskoye in the central area of the peninsula. Some videos published on social media appeared to show no fewer than three explosions.

This is the latest in a series of tactical strikes on key sites in Crimea. Last Wednesday, a drone strike destroyed another ammunition storage site on the peninsula’s eastern side. Some witnesses said that at least one Storm Shadow missile was involved. The hit prompted the evacuation of thousands of local residents, prompting chaos and terror.

On Thursday, another drone attack hit administrative buildings in northwest Crimea.

This string of highly successful strikes suggests that Ukraine is preparing the ground for an upcoming attempt to retake Crimea, which was illegally seized by Russia in 2014.


ロシア国民は、史上最悪のプーチン政権を支持続けるのか?! 彼らは史上最悪の大罪人である。そして、プーチンの行為の後始末はロシア国民も背負うことになるのだ! 賠償額は途方もない額になることは疑う余地無しである。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian formations decimated

2023年7月22日(Sat.)22:00UP      :   ロシア国内での権力闘争が怪しくなって来ているようです。早く、民主勢力によるクーデターが勃発することを願っています。ロシア国民よ、日和見主義と決別せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月22日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian formations decimated following timely use of cluster munitions by Ukrainian operators

The latest battle reports indicate that several Russian formations were decimated following the timely use of cluster munitions by Ukrainian operators.

The action took place in the environs of the eastern town of Krasnohorivka, where a local coalmine became the main axis of attack for the aggressors. This proved to be a fatal miscalculation, as Russian troops were forced to move across almost 1,000mts of open terrain from the nearest cover to the mine’s grounds.


Operating from the cover of a tree line, Ukrainians could fire at will on the approach route, meaning anything that moved out in the open was immediately targeted for annihilation.

The skirmish culminated with the deployment of Western-supplied cluster weapons, which trapped the Russians in the open space between the mine and their own lines. The post-action report confirms that no fewer than 10 Russian vehicles were destroyed, and at least 150 troops fell in that open space on foreign soil.

The Krasnohorivka action is part of a larger operational drive by Ukraine to simply drain Russian formations of their fighting power in preparation for an upcoming thrust by yet uncommitted Ukrainian mechanized reserves.




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