

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian formations decimated

2023年7月22日(Sat.)22:00UP      :   ロシア国内での権力闘争が怪しくなって来ているようです。早く、民主勢力によるクーデターが勃発することを願っています。ロシア国民よ、日和見主義と決別せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月22日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian formations decimated following timely use of cluster munitions by Ukrainian operators

The latest battle reports indicate that several Russian formations were decimated following the timely use of cluster munitions by Ukrainian operators.

The action took place in the environs of the eastern town of Krasnohorivka, where a local coalmine became the main axis of attack for the aggressors. This proved to be a fatal miscalculation, as Russian troops were forced to move across almost 1,000mts of open terrain from the nearest cover to the mine’s grounds.


Operating from the cover of a tree line, Ukrainians could fire at will on the approach route, meaning anything that moved out in the open was immediately targeted for annihilation.

The skirmish culminated with the deployment of Western-supplied cluster weapons, which trapped the Russians in the open space between the mine and their own lines. The post-action report confirms that no fewer than 10 Russian vehicles were destroyed, and at least 150 troops fell in that open space on foreign soil.

The Krasnohorivka action is part of a larger operational drive by Ukraine to simply drain Russian formations of their fighting power in preparation for an upcoming thrust by yet uncommitted Ukrainian mechanized reserves.




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