

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Precision drone strike obliterates Russian ammo dump

2023年7月23日(Sun.)16:30UP      :    ロシアには正しく判断出来る人はいないのか? 皆、日和見主義者なのか?! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月22日発 )


Ùkraine counter-offensive: Precision drone strike obliterates Russian ammo dump in temporarily occupied Crimea

A precision drone strike has obliterated a Russian ammo dump in temporarily occupied Crimea.


The facility was sited in the town of Oktyabrskoye in the central area of the peninsula. Some videos published on social media appeared to show no fewer than three explosions.

This is the latest in a series of tactical strikes on key sites in Crimea. Last Wednesday, a drone strike destroyed another ammunition storage site on the peninsula’s eastern side. Some witnesses said that at least one Storm Shadow missile was involved. The hit prompted the evacuation of thousands of local residents, prompting chaos and terror.

On Thursday, another drone attack hit administrative buildings in northwest Crimea.

This string of highly successful strikes suggests that Ukraine is preparing the ground for an upcoming attempt to retake Crimea, which was illegally seized by Russia in 2014.


ロシア国民は、史上最悪のプーチン政権を支持続けるのか?! 彼らは史上最悪の大罪人である。そして、プーチンの行為の後始末はロシア国民も背負うことになるのだ! 賠償額は途方もない額になることは疑う余地無しである。

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