

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Germany offers to station up to 4,000 troops

2023年6月27日(Tue.)17:15UP      :    テロ国家のロシアは崩壊に向かうのでしょうか? これは民衆の意識と意志と力に委ねられています。オルガリヒやワグネルではありません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   6月26日発 )


Germany offers to station up to 4,000 troops in Lithuania to reinforce NATO’s eastern flank

Germany has offered to station up to 4,000 troops in Lithuania to reinforce NATO’s eastern flank.


Following the doomed invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Europe has stepped up its military readiness ahead of a potential future conflict with the eastern bloc. As the ill-fated Ukrainian campaign has proven, the Russian army is quite inadequate and would stand no chance against NATO’s troops.

The brigade-sized force would significantly strengthen NATO’s capabilities in the area.


民衆が蜂起しなければ権力層の醜い争いが続くだけです。ロシア国民よ立ち上がれ! 日和見主義から脱却せよ! 正義感があるのか?!

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