

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Number of Russian soldiers contacting Ukraine’s special ‘surrender hotline’

2023年4月14日(Fri.)14:00UP      :    USでの機密文書の漏洩に関する犯人(?)が逮捕されたようですが、プーチンによるプーチンの為のデッチ上げ口実による侵略戦争を一刻も早く終結させたいものです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   4月13日発 )


Number of Russian soldiers contacting Ukraine’s special ‘surrender hotline’ reportedly doubles

The number of Russian soldiers contacting Ukraine’s special ‘surrender hotline’ has reportedly doubled in recent weeks.


Early in the war, Ukraine set up a hotline to enable Russian soldiers to find out how to lay down their weapons and surrender, thus being spared from death.

During March, no fewer than 3,000 soldiers contacted the hotline, which represents almost double the amount of the previous month.

The surge in numbers is likely due to the upcoming Ukrainian counter-offensive, which is expected to drive a stake into the heart of what’s left of the Russian army.



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