

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Santy has entered Irish airspace

2022年12月25日(Sun.)15:00UP     :       単純に一つのイベントを楽しめたらいいなとは思います。但し、ノーマルな宗教に関しては互いに寛容であって欲しいと願います。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie.  12月24日発 )


🔴BREAKING: Santy has entered Irish airspace and was already spotted on the East coast

It’s official – he’s in Irish airspace!

Santy has been spotted on Irish radar just off the east coast of the country on his sleigh pulled by a total of eight reindeer.

It’s understood parents are allowed show this information to their children but that they must be good little boys and girls and go to bed early as Santy said he can only stop at their house if they’re in bed and getting a good rest for all the excitement tomorrow.

It’s been confirmed in the last few minutes that Santy has come into Irish territory and will start delivering presents very soon!



*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
