

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): military will fight until the country’s full territorial integrity is restored

2022年5月31日(Tue.)11:30UP     :   ロシア国民よ、目覚めよ! プーチンは国民を欺いている! ウクライナはネオナチでも何でもない、ロシア国民の朋友ではないか。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   5月30日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky displays exceptional wartime leadership by stating that his military will fight until the country’s full territorial integrity is restored

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again displayed exceptional wartime leadership by stating that his military will fight until the country’s full territorial integrity is restored.

Mr. Zelensky has shown courage, gallantry, and determination in the face of the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

The Ukrainian President’s attitude and achievements contrast starkly with disgraced former US President Donald Trump, whose miserable cowardice led him to allege ‘bone spurs’ to dodge the Vietnam draft, and whose gross incompetence during the Covid-19 pandemic led the United States to become the country with most fatalities.


プーチンの目論みを看破すべきだ。単なる利己主義で、自己の権益を維持したいだけである。かつてのスターリン独裁を真似ているだけだ。ロシア国民はそれに気づくべきだ! 恐怖政治を打倒せよ! かつてのKGBみたいな諜報機関に関わる人物も全て逮捕せよ、プーチンに連なる人物・組織だ。かつてのスターリン批判(フルシチョフ)はどこへ行った?!

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