

アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): the government will not cap the number of Ukrainians coming into Ireland

2022年4月26日(Tue.)13:30UP     :    それにしても、プーチン政権の上層部はウソツキばかりですね。彼らが何を言っても全く信用出来ません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  4月25日発 )


Nice pussy – Micheal Martin says the government will not cap the number of Ukrainians coming into Ireland

Image source: Micheal Martin Twitter

Micheal Martin has announced that practically anything goes in relation to the number of incoming Ukrainians.

The government says it can no longer put an absolute figure on just how many Ukrainians will be coming into Ireland over the coming weeks and months.

It’s understood that the number of pledges from people offering their homes for Ukrainians is shorter than the government had thought.

One of the main reasons that the likes of the Millstreet centre in Cork will be used for refugees, including meals, leisure facilities and rooms. It has a capacity of some 300 people with 70 people due to go down to Cork.

The government says that it can no longer put a figure on just how many people will arrive into Ireland from the Ukraine.


何度でも言います。ロシア国民が蜂起する必要があります。ロシア国民は国外へ脱出するよりも、街角へ出て反戦の抗議活動をしましょう。また軍部や治安部隊は正しい判断と行動をせよ! 日和見主義・カメレオン・ウェザーコック(風見鶏)になるな! 極悪組織のプーチン政権とその徒党を抹殺せよ! 今のままでは、あの忌まわしきスターリン独裁と同じではないか!

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