

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Bodies of dead Russian soldiers

2022年3月21日(Mon.)14:30UP    :   プーチンを許すことは有り得ません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  3月20日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Bodies of dead Russian soldiers reportedly moved to Belarus in the middle of the night in a cowardly attempt to hide the true scale of the slaughter at the hands of the Ukrainians


The bodies of dead Russian soldiers are reportedly being moved to Belarus in the middle of the night in a cowardly attempt to hide the true scale of the slaughter at the hands of the Ukrainians.

Footage has emerged purportedly showing caravans of military ambulances full from floor to ceiling with dead bodies.

There are also reports of local morgues and medical facilities filling up quickly with dead Russian soldiers.

The vast majority of the dead are being described as ‘young bodies’ sent to die by Russian President Vladimir Putin.



ロシア国民よ、事実を知ることだ! ロシア国営放送は真実を報道せよ!

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