

デンマーク(Denmark 🇩🇰): President Zelensky to address Danish Parliament

2022年3月25日(Fri.)13:45UP    :   早くプーチン政権を終わりにさせましょう。(ニュースソース: CPH Post Online  3月24日発 )


President Zelensky to address Danish Parliament


Volodymyr Zelensky continues his tour of parliament addresses (photo: The Presidential Administration of Ukraine)

March 24th, 2022 3:57 pm| by Armelle Delmelle

Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky has spoken to many parliaments around the world. And now it is Denmark’s turn – on March 29.

“The president will give an orientation regarding the situation in Ukraine and thank the Danish people for the support that has been shown for his country,” the Danish Parliament said in a statement.


Given that the situation may change rapidly in Ukraine, the event might be postponed or cancelled at short notice.

Talking to everyone who will listen
Just a week after the start of the conflict, on March 1, President Zelensky had already spoken to MEPs in the European Parliament.

Since that day, he has addressed the US Congress, as well as British, Canadian and German lawmakers –among others.

On Wednesday, Zelensky spoke to the French National Assembly, and on Thursday he addressed an extraordinary NATO summit. He also talked to the Swedish Parliament this morning.


ゼレンスキーはデンマーク議会でも演説することになっています。それにしても、ロシアの民主的勢力が立ち上がって、独裁政権やそれに群がって甘い汁を吸っている連中を駆逐することを願っています。あの超金持ちやそのヨット・クルーザー等はなんですか?! ロシアの格差も酷過ぎます。

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