

BBC発 : Denton boy, 9, discovered love of photography in lockdown

2022年1月30日(Sun.)13:00UP    :   コロナ下に於いても、少しは明るい話題ではないでしょうか。(ニュースソース: BBC   1月29日発 )


Denton boy, 9, discovered love of photography in lockdown


Robin Brown had never taken a photograph before lockdown and now loves taking wildlife photos

Photographs taken by a nine-year-old boy who only started taking snaps while on his daily walk with his mum during lockdown are to go on show.

Robin Brown, from Denton, Norfolk, has teamed up with photographer Nick Jermy to put on an exhibition on 19 February in aid of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

The schoolboy said he wanted to support the trust because he liked "taking photos of nature".

"When I'm older, I definitely want to be a photographer," he added.

The exhibition will be held at Denton Village Hall between 11:00 and 15:00 GMT.


The nine-year-old said he "loves nature" and it inspired him to start taking photos while on a daily walk during lockdown


Robin said he had got better at taking photos since he started


He said he started with his mum's phone camera but now used a digital SLR camera


Norfolk photographer and family friend Nick Jermy said Robin had "real talent and a keen eye"


Robin's mum Zoe Brown said her son's concentration had improved "due to the attention to detail he takes in his photos"


She said her son was "never happier than when he has his camera in his hand"
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