

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Hundreds of health workers in Thailand infected

2021年7月12日(Mon.)14:00UP   :   ウーム、これは中国製のワクチンのようですが、日本国内ではファイザーとモデルナですから、これらの心配は少ないでしょう。但し、何れにしてもマスク着用等は必須です。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月11日発 )


Covid-19: Hundreds of health workers in Thailand infected with coronavirus despite having received two doses of the vaccine

Hundreds of health workers in Thailand have been infected with coronavirus despite having received two doses of the vaccine.

It is understood that no fewer than 618 medical staff who had been given the Sinovac vaccine became sick with coronavirus anyway.


The Sinovac vaccine, manufactured by Chinese company Sinovac Biotech Ltd., has long been associated with poor efficacy. Local authorities are now recommending a third dose of a different vaccine.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)




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