

ドイツ発(Germany 🇩🇪): Germany plans to shut down its last nuclear power plants

2023年4月12日(Wed.)17:30UP     :   ドイツの原発は全て停止することになります。メルケルの約束は果たされたことになります。(ニュースソース: The Local de   4月11日発 )


How Germany plans to shut down its last nuclear power plants for good

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Germany's last three nuclear power plants will stop generating electricity from Saturday, but the arduous and decades-long process of decommissioning the sites is only just beginning. Here's a look at what happens after the plants are taken offline.

What happens on Saturday? 

On the actual day of the shutdown, plant operators will gradually decrease electricity output.

From 10:00 pm, "we will lower the facility's power output by 10 megawatts per minute," Carsten Mueller, plant manager for the Isar 2 site near Munich, told the Bild newspaper.

When the reactor's power level drops to around 30 percent, "no more electricity will be fed into the high-voltage network and the generator will be automatically disconnected from the power grid", he said.

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日本のエネルギー政策とは大違いです。自公政権は思考力も決断力も欠落しているようにしか見えません。再生可能エネルギー等へシフトすべきです。フクシマを見よ! 原発の再稼働とか新設などの考えはあり得ない!

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