

Guardian発 : Kyiv mayor says heating restored in capital

2022年12月19日(Mon.)13:45UP     :   ロシアの政治体制は金権政治であり、時代錯誤者に牛耳られているかのようです。(ニュースソース: The Guardian   12月18日発 )


Kyiv mayor says heating restored in capital after latest Russian strikes

Moscow unveils plans to deploy musicians to frontline in bid to boost morale among Russian troops

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Heating has been fully restored to Kyiv, the city’s mayor has said, after one of the most intense Russian bombardments of the capital last week robbed it of key civilian energy supplies and forced the national government to implement rolling blackouts.

Vitali Klitschko said on Sunday morning the capital was successfully “restoring all services after the latest shelling” and that “in particular, the capital’s heating supply system is fully restored. All sources of heat supply work normally.”

Temperatures in Kyiv and across the country were below freezing on Sunday and forecast to fall to -6C (21.2F) by evening. Up to a third of the capital’s population of 3 million had still been without electricity overnight in what officials called a “difficult and critical” situation.

A wave of Russian drone and missile attacks since October has caused severe damage to Ukraine’s civilian energy and electricity infrastructure as it enters the cold winter months. Russia fired more than 70 missiles targeting Ukraine’s water and energy infrastructure on Friday in one of its heaviest barrages since the beginning of its invasion on 24 February, causing power blackouts and removing access to heat and water.

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かく言う日本も、民主主義が実現されているのでしょうか。昨今の岸田政権の暴走ぶりは、独裁政治に見えてしまいます。そもそも、国民の過半数が岸田政権を支持しているのですか? 答えはノーです。自民党支持者は多くても30%+程度であり、選挙の結果、議席数としては過半数になったと言うことで、この仕組みに大欠陥があると言うことです。もっと、国民の総意をダイレクトに・比例的に反映させる仕組みが不可欠です。現状では国民の総意を反映していません。自民党公明党が暴走しています。

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