

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Fears grow weapons being sent to

2022年11月11日(Fri.)15:00UP      :   暗躍している組織があるのでしょう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  11月10日発 )


Fears grow weapons being sent to Ukraine could find their way to criminal gangs in Europe

Finland’s federal National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) claims that large quantities of weapons destined for Ukraine could have made their wat into the hands of criminal gangs in Europe.

Finland’s national public broadcasting company, Yle, reported last week the fact that most of the weapons being sent by NATO to Ukraine to fight Russia are not making it to their claimed destinations.

The issue of keeping track of the incredible amounts of weapons being shipping into Europe’s most corrupt country has been raised before but political pressure has led to media outlets in the U.S ignoring the situation and even deleting reports of worrying trend.

The reports detail the recovered weapons include assault rifles that were supposed to go to Ukrainian forces, but instead went to random people in neighbouring countries, particularly Scandinavian countries.

“Weapons shipped [by various countries] to Ukraine have also been found in Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands,” said NBI Detective Superintendent Christer Ahlgren. “We’ve seen signs of these weapons already finding their way to Finland.”

Ukraine is world renowned for its corruption and with its comedian tuned President leader Zelensky despotically banning all political opposition, independent media and free speech in the crumbling nation it’s unlikely we will be able to ascertain the truth of the situation on the ground.


一方で日本、法務大臣による考えられないような失言・放言で当該大臣が更迭されました。もう岸田政権は崩壊しています。統一教会問題も解決されたとは言えないし、そもそもは岸・安倍一派に端を発した問題であり、安倍派に近い連中は全て怪しいと考えるべきでしょう。特に現政調会長の萩生田などは八王子でベッタリの関係であることは報道されている通りでしょう。にも拘わらず、何故に政調会長職に留まっているのか?! この件も含めて岸田政権は崩壊していると言いたいのです。もっと政教分離を進めよ! 公明党も然りだ。信教の自由は認めるものの、発言の自由等が党則で規制されるような束縛は憲法違反と解するべきです。合わせて、政党経由で支給される政党助成金のあり方も根本から見直すべきです。これによって、議員の自由発言が束縛されていませんか?!

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