

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian Government bans major Independence Day events in Kyiv

2022年8月23日(Tue.)15:00UP    :   ロシアに信頼できる政権が樹立されることを切に願っています。少なくとも,プーチンやそれに与する輩はカスです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   8月22日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Ukrainian Government bans major Independence Day events in Kyiv to minimize the chance of Russian atrocities

The Ukrainian Government has banned major Independence Day events in Kyiv to minimize the chance of Russian atrocities.

Wednesday, August 24th marks the 31st anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from the Russian yoke.

The Government is now fearful that Russia might launch cowardly and revengeful long-range attacks on gathered civilians.



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