

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian losses at a staggering over 31,000

2022年6月7日(Tue.)15:00UP     :   ロシア国民は事実を確認し、その上でプーチン政権に反旗を翻すべきだ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  6月6日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Latest figures put Russian losses at a staggering over 31,000, plus tons of military equipment -an utter disaster

The latest figures put Russian losses at a staggering over 31,000 troops, plus tons of military equipment.

The scale of the losses must make grim reading for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, besides being riddled with cancer, might soon suffer a ‘heart attack’ while in care, it was revealed recently.

Coupled with the unwillingness of most Russian troops to engage the enemy, instead preferring to use long-range artillery, the invasion of Ukraine has become one of the greatest military blunders in history.



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