

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): a life sentence for young Russian soldier

2022年5月20日(Fri.)15:30UP    :   このロシアの若き兵士は罪を認めているようですが、そもそもは銃撃を命令した上官の責任を問うべきですし、遡ればプーチンの責任です。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  5月19日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Ukrainian prosecutors seek a life sentence for young Russian soldier accused of killing an unarmed civilian

Ukrainian prosecutors are reportedly seeking a life sentence for a young Russian soldier accused of killing an unarmed civilian.

21-year-old Vadim Shishimarin is charged with shooting an elderly man dead. The young conscript pleaded guilty to the crime and went as far as asking the widow for ‘forgiveness.’

Kremlin sources claim to have ‘no information’ about the trial, essentially abandoning the young man to his fate.


ロシア国民よ、今すぐに蜂起せよ! プーチン一派を打倒せよ!

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