

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Origin of hepatitis outbreak in kids

2022年4月30日(Sat.)14:00UP    :   日本国内でも既に報じられていますが、特に子供たちに注意をさせるようにしたいものです。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  4月29日発 )


Origin of hepatitis outbreak in kids is still unknown

Doctors are puzzled by an unknown strain of hepatitis presenting in children, which has in some cases caused liver failure. But they are learning more. Symptoms are like jaundice.

Cases of an unknown hepatitis variant are being detected around the world, usually in kids under the age of 5

Health authorities have launched a global investigation into an outbreak of an unknown variant of the hepatitis virus that has been detected in children in a number of countries, including one in Germany.

There are more than 200 known cases, with 111 of them in the UK. But as more health authorities are alerted to the situation, cases are being detected around the world from Israel to Japan and Canada.

Many children have been hospitalized, 17 have required liver transplants and at least one child has died.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) issued a report into the situation on Thursday and told DW that details, such as the country of origin of the child who died, as well as whether they had been immunocompromised or undergone a liver transplant, remained confidential.

Cases have been detected across the world. Many have been serious, requiring hospitalization

In the United States, Wisconsin health authorities were investigating a potential second death, according to an alert issued on Wednesday.

Earlier in April, a large hospital in the US state of Alabama reported cases of five children who had experienced significant liver damage, including three with acute liver failure, who had also tested positive for adenovirus. The hospital later identified four additional pediatric patients with hepatitis and adenovirus infections going back to October 2021.

The hepatitis outbreak in the UK

A technical briefing released Monday by UK health authorities noted that out of 80 cases there, 43 of the children had recovered or been discharged, 38 were still in hospital or had an "unknown" discharge status and that none had died so far.

The children were not testing positive for any typical strains of hepatitis — types A, B, C, D or E. Kids aged one month to 16 years of age have been identified with the illness, but the majority of cases have affected kids under the age of five.

The UK report seemed to show strong evidence that the adenovirus, a common childhood virus, may play a role in this outbreak of hepatitis. Of 53 UK patients tested for adenovirus, 40 tested positive.

(注: 以下、転載省略。 原文サイトは下記のリンクへ )




自己の権益の為に口実を作り上げて一方的な殺害・虐殺・破壊をしている場合ではないのです(プーチン)。そして、その悪行を止めない側近やロシア国民も大きな罪・責任を末代に向けて背負っています、既に。戦争賠償基金も超多額になることは明らかです。当然、プーチンやその周辺人物は全てを投げ出すことになるし、ロシア国民としても長年に渡っての賠償となることでしょう。日和見主義はダメ! 社会正義や公正・公平を護る社会体制・政治体制に再構築です。

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