

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Putin brown-noser rages at the loss of the Moskva

2022年4月19日(Tue.)11:30UP     :   スターリン時代の大粛清やデッチ上げのモスクワ裁判等を想起してもらいたいものです、ロシア国民自身に! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   4月18日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Putin brown-noser rages at the loss of the Moskva, a prized naval asset

A Putin brown-noser raged on live TV at the loss of the Moskva, a prized naval asset sent to the bottom of the Black Sea by a Ukrainian missile strike.

Russia-1 anchor Vladimir Solovyov, a well-known apologist for the Kremlin, ranted and raged on a Kremlin-controlled channel questioning how the missile cruiser could have been lost.

Mr. Solovyov is on the list of people sanctioned by the West due to his sycophancy towards Vladimir Putin.

The truth remains that the Moskva is now a shipwreck representing a crushing blow to the Russian armed forces and morale.



そして今、プーチン政権はそれと同じです。これを止めるのはロシア国民自身であるべきです。そうでなければなりません。スターリンの再来を許すな! ウクライナ国民が惨殺されている!

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