

BBC発 : Four-year-old Liza killed by Russian attack

2022年7月16日(Sat.)11:30UP     :   ロシア国民はこの事実を知っているのか?! プーチンの犯罪に沈黙を守ることは“容認・黙認“に等しく、同罪である。(ニュースソース: BBC   7月15日発 )


Ukraine war: Four-year-old Liza killed by Russian attack on Vinnytsia

By Sarah Rainsford
Eastern Europe correspondent, Vinnytsia

Liza's pushchair lies on its side outside the ruins of the Jubilee building on 14 July

On a strip of grass in front of the smashed, charred remains of the Jubilee department store there is a pink pushchair lying on its side, smeared with blood.

It belonged to a little girl called Liza.

The four-year-old was one of three young children killed on Thursday when Russian missiles hit the centre of Vinnytsia.

Her mother, Iryna Dmytriyeva, was seriously injured in the attack.

Twenty-three people are known to have lost their lives and another eight are still missing. Dozens more are in hospital.

Shortly before the missiles struck, Iryna had posted a video online. It was a beautiful sunny day and little Liza was smiling, pushing her pink chair in front of her, as they chatted about heading to see her speech therapist.

"Liza was very cheerful, she loved coming to us. She was a very kind child. For her mother, she was the whole meaning of her life. She loved her madly. I can't even imagine what a tragedy it is for the family," Valeriia Korol told the BBC.

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ロシア国民は弱いですね。死ぬ覚悟でプーチン政権を打倒すべきです。スリランカを見習え! です。

ところで、プーチンやラブロフなどは公然とウソをつきますが、同じように日本の問題の宗教団体会長の記者会見を聞いていると、これも公然と・平然とウソをついています。こんな人間のクズによくも従っている人たちがいるものです。自分で善悪の判断ができないのでしょうか? いや、多分、判断することを放棄しているのでしょう。ならば生きている価値はありません。逆に、正直・誠実に生きている人たちにとっては迷惑至極の存在でしかありません。さらには、そうした思考停止した人たちが政治の世界と結託したと仮定すると、正に、独裁国家が誕生し、そのトップのなすがままになるのでしょう・・・。ぶっ潰すしかありません。政教分離であるべきです。現在の与党にも宗教団体が絡んでいます。

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