

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Missile attack on Kyiv

2022年6月27日(Mon.)16:00UP    :   プーチンの暴走を止めよ! それはロシア国民の責務だ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  6月26日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Missile attack on Kyiv blasted as ‘murderous cowardice’

The latest missile attack on Kyiv has been blasted as ‘murderous cowardice.’

A volley of missiles struck civilian targets in the Ukrainian capital on Sunday morning. At least one person was killed.

Kyiv had not been targeted for a number of weeks.


ロシア国民よ目覚めよ! 一斉蜂起せよ、今すぐ!


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